Monday, May 30, 2016

DZC [001t]

Next batch of models for final detailing. Adding the orange vents, green eye/gems, blue plasma hoses, squad markings etc. This finishes the vehicle models for my next fleet expansion. Now just have the six basic infantry bases to paint and this round is done!!

Load em up!

Friday, May 27, 2016

DZC [001s]

Just a minor update.  Finished the final details on these guys tonight. Moving pretty quickly which is nice for once. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

DZC [001r]

So still on that road to NOVA... Next step equals about an hour of dry brushing Dawnstone to add those metallic highlights.  I think I'll be mass producing these so that they are all done at once. So I'll be doing large chunks of one color at a time. Definitely trying to just bang these DZC guys out this month. Hopefully can finish these in May or early into June and then I'll have about three months for a few 40k dudes and a bunch of Infinity minis as well.  

Next step is orange for the louvers and engines.