Tuesday, October 13, 2015

DZC [001p]

It's done!!! Last up were the UCM Condor transports :). Been fun drop zone. Until we meet again. Now just have to get someone over to play!

I did forget that these had separate plastic clear canopies that I had to find in the original box. Then sticky tacked them to some card board for quick black primer then shades of red to white for the canopies and then some grey highlights on the black.  Not sure that the red looks the best but it kind of became my screen color on the tanks earlier so I kept it here. 

Same gray and rust for weathering and highlighting here on the bodies. But then did shades of black to blue to white for the thrusters. 

Overall it's been a good project and finished about a month earlier than my goal. Now on to the next project...maybe some of these other board games laying around with models to paint. Until next time. -Zak out

Sunday, October 11, 2015

DZC [001o]

Bear APCs and the Kodiak armored command vehicle were up tonight :). Similar techniques were used for a speedy and decent scheme to match the other tanks already painted.  

I found it interesting that the Kodiak has a very strange mold line as the bear style body in resin comes split in half, long ways. I thought about filling this earlier on but totally forgot and was stuck with this. It probably would not have filled well on the back engine area either but I think that I would have liked to fill the front part at least. Oh well. Not going back now, but just something to watch out for if anyone else decides to build one of these. I might have taken the extra bear that came with the starter set and just added the back extra pieces that came with the Kodiak kit. Easy conversion for slightly different aesthetic with the detail level on the resin model versus the plastic model but may have looked better overall. 

Saturday, October 10, 2015

DZC [001n]

Next off the line...UCM Rapier AA tanks. Same painting scheme as the Sabres. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

DZC [001m]

UCM Sabres!  Gotta love rail guns. Watch out you objective-laden buildings :) I re-blacked the gun and treads from the gray  overspray. Then quick dry brush with Dawnstone for some metallic edging effect. Then added ryza rust to create the rusted and weathered look for the treads and portions of the vehicle body, and gun tip. Then added a little gold to the gun tip. This really didn't do anything but give a slightly higher sheen to the tip.  I then painted warlock purple to red gore to blood red to white to the visor viewer thing. Orange to yellow for the little light was next. 

Finally I used dawnstone to highlight some of the vehicle body and side edges. This actually, as a darker color than the grey shades I used for the body, turned into a sort of camo look and sort of a weathered look. This was not what I was expecting to paint tonight but I think it's a pretty repeatable scheme and looks decent.  The weathered look was made a little more weathered by the fact that I was a few beers in, painting these super small models tonight :x

View of the comparison between just based and then final body scheme. 

I did a little shadow grey squad marking thing on the front quarter as well to finish these off. Tried for the UCM symbol but ended up with a smeared number one ish symbol...looks ok...ish :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

DZC [001l]

The Scourge are done!!! Woohoo! Halfway there :).  Same process tonight for painting these items:

Marauder drop ships

You guys know these actually can stow their vehicles right?  Pretty sweet...


Desolator command aircraft

The crew :)

Until next time...

Monday, October 5, 2015

Sunday, October 4, 2015

DZC [001j]

Scourge Hunters

Scourge Reapers

Dry brush dawnstone over the purples to give a slight grey metallic edge. Then few green shades for the eyes/sensors/gems. Oranges(rust) for exhaust intakes and engines.  For the Hunter's plasma guns a few shades of blue and final white highlights.   On the way...

Saturday, October 3, 2015

DZC [001i]

Got to airbrushing two to three coats of the base colors for each force tonight and then two coats of highlight per the colors described in the last post.  The hexed lichen on the black base coat took like four coats to start to show a little of the dark purple over the black but I'm pretty happy where each force us going tonight :). Some of the pictures show the base coated version next to the highlighted version to see the difference. 

DZC [001h]

The other night I was able to test paint some of the new colors. After sifting through the options I decided to buy it looks like I have chosen the base colors for both the UCM and the Scourge. 

For UCM Vallejo (all game air) cold grey with wolf grey highlights I think. For scourge they are basically going to be black with hexed lichen streaks highlighted with warlord purple I think and then details in bone colors from my citadel lines with detail brushes. 

Not too much model painting this night but messed around with some rust and weathering on the wheels of the APC's. 

All for now. Hopefully will be starting the Greys soon.